Post A level dinner

Friday, July 27, 2012

&MADE by Bruno Menard

After reading my favourite columnist, Tan Hsueh Yun's write up on &MADE by Bruno Menard on Lifestyle(The Sunday Times), I've decided to head down to &MADE for dinner on friday, 27th July 2012.

The boy and I were lucky to get seats without having to queue as we arrived rather early at 6.30pm. (By the time 7.00pm, there was already a queue that was formed).

We ordered the Salads to drink, green, ($9) which came with savoury bites, It sounded interesting and the concept of cold soup is indeed intriguing, however, it tasted rather weird and I would recommend to avoid this if you are adverse to strange tasting things. The savoury bites were lovely those, tasting like a brioche topped with cheese
B burger ($19)
I love burgers and this can easily be one of the best burgers in town! Juicy and succulent beef patty with a soft bun that tastes like croissant ! Yup yup!! The garlic sauce accentuated the flavor of the beef patty. As usual I change the fries for salad! And the salad was fresh! :))
The barbecue sauce on the left went extremely well with the fries (other picture).

It was really salty, according to him! When I tasted it I would also agree that it was a tad too salty, and with the fries it can be rather overwhelming. The fries were rather ordinary, though the option of upgrading to truffle fries was available ($3)

Lollipop waffle($9) 
The three dips(dark chocolate, caramel and white chocolate) were extremely good and went well with the slightly sour waffle! Wonder what dough do they use...

In all, I enjoyed the meal pretty much as the B burger was good (Cant say the same for the boy though).The portion for the waffle could increase as I felt that it was a little too small. Furthermore, I would also advise against buying the Salads to drink. With few hits and misses,and a rather hefty price tag for the portion, I might revisit &MADE again, only if I happen to be around the area.