Post A level dinner

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The first blog post

I've always wanted to start a food blog after being inspired by the other bloggers and also to record in memory the wide range of food that I've eaten. However procrastination and academic commitments stalled me from starting this blog. Now that the A levels are finally over, the blog finally comes into reality.

Why is the blog named dietingstartstomorrow?

Because that's what I've incessantly been telling myself whenever I come across good food ;) Calories from good food are always worth it

So what can we expect from your blog?

Many pictures of course and reviews (the good, the bad and the plain ugly) about the notable meals that I've eaten. At 18, I've acquired a pretty discerning palate (probably due to the influence of my dad) and I would love to share my thoughts with everyone.

Hope that coming across this blog and reading my posts made you happier, and of course, hungrier ;)

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