Post A level dinner

Saturday, December 17, 2011

3 Inch Sin

Ah it's been some time since I last updated the food blog so there will be a simultaneous posting of 3 blog posts :)
Also look out for the high tea buffet at Barrack House at Dempsey road post :) can't wait to have high tea there!
3 inch sin, as the name suggests, offers cakes (literally 3 inch tall) that ooze of chocolate and other calorie laden goodness ( think caramel and crunchy bases)
I visited 3 inch sin at Cluny Court on 5th dec with Joey and Benji. However disappointingly there were only 3 types of desert on offer because it was a Monday.

Thus, we got a death by chocolate (chocolate cupcake with a generou
s serving of chocolate ganache, sprinkled with crunchy chocolate balls) and a 3 inch sin( something similiar to a lava cake, with an oozy centre that you can customize)

-death by chocolate

Contrary to the rather pompous name, the chocolate cupcake was slightly disappointing. The ganache was average, thick, creamy, chocolate-ty but lacking in complexity in flavour. Every bite of the chocolate ganache tasted the same and after a while it became a little gelat (Malay word to represent that something is over cloying )
The cake base was even more disappointing, tasting like an average cake that you can get at any bakery.

My friend(benji) tried the molten cake and commented that it was gelat after a while as well. It was also too sweet for him, although it may be due to him picking white chocolate as the molten centre.

Perhaps the catchy name gave me high expectations of the cakes available at 3 inch sin, eventually leading to disappointment when they are not as delightfully sinful as purported.

But I'm willing to give it another try, in believe that the other cakes available will be 3 inch sin's saving grace.


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