Post A level dinner

Friday, July 27, 2012

&MADE by Bruno Menard

After reading my favourite columnist, Tan Hsueh Yun's write up on &MADE by Bruno Menard on Lifestyle(The Sunday Times), I've decided to head down to &MADE for dinner on friday, 27th July 2012.

The boy and I were lucky to get seats without having to queue as we arrived rather early at 6.30pm. (By the time 7.00pm, there was already a queue that was formed).

We ordered the Salads to drink, green, ($9) which came with savoury bites, It sounded interesting and the concept of cold soup is indeed intriguing, however, it tasted rather weird and I would recommend to avoid this if you are adverse to strange tasting things. The savoury bites were lovely those, tasting like a brioche topped with cheese
B burger ($19)
I love burgers and this can easily be one of the best burgers in town! Juicy and succulent beef patty with a soft bun that tastes like croissant ! Yup yup!! The garlic sauce accentuated the flavor of the beef patty. As usual I change the fries for salad! And the salad was fresh! :))
The barbecue sauce on the left went extremely well with the fries (other picture).

It was really salty, according to him! When I tasted it I would also agree that it was a tad too salty, and with the fries it can be rather overwhelming. The fries were rather ordinary, though the option of upgrading to truffle fries was available ($3)

Lollipop waffle($9) 
The three dips(dark chocolate, caramel and white chocolate) were extremely good and went well with the slightly sour waffle! Wonder what dough do they use...

In all, I enjoyed the meal pretty much as the B burger was good (Cant say the same for the boy though).The portion for the waffle could increase as I felt that it was a little too small. Furthermore, I would also advise against buying the Salads to drink. With few hits and misses,and a rather hefty price tag for the portion, I might revisit &MADE again, only if I happen to be around the area.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Broun Cafe :)

Headed to Broun cafe that day looking forward to muffins and realized sadly that they were only available during their brunch menu!

However, there were other desserts available that day(as part of their regular menu) so we decided to try them out.

My friend ordered the brownie with ice cream ($6) while I ordered the day's special , pear cake with vanilla ice cream ($10)

The brownie (I tried a bit of hers) was chewy and chocolate-y, which went well with the plainer vanila ice cream.
But I've definitely tried better brownies :)

The pear cake was something unusual which I particularly enjoyed. The cake itself was rough in texture(akin to that of a carrot cake) and the fragrance from the pear made the cake smell really good (and it tasted good too)
The poached pear , when eaten together with the ice cream or cake, added texture to the mouthful of cake pear/ice cream pear combination.

The ice cream was placed on top some crispy cinnamon sugar base and it made the ice cream a delight to eat on its own!

The only grouch against the pear cake dish is that the cake was a tad too little, and I found myself longing for more soon after I finished the cake.

The ambience at Broun cafe is perfect for brunch, tea and to chill out and catch up with friends. In the evenings I understand that there are live performances too. I'm definitely going back for brunch :)

Since the brownie and pear cake are rather different in terms of taste, I'm going to give 2 different grades!

Brownie :5/10
Pear cake : 8/10

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Pizza Place at Raffles City

The pizza place

Good company always makes food taste better!

But going back to the main review, we decided on patronizing The pizza place after walking around the basement of raffles city mrt.
The black and dark interiors did no merit to the cafe, but the affordable price attracted us to it.
The Chicken Royale Pizza was interesting. Instead of the usual tomato base, this pizza had a cream base that went exceptionally well with crust (soft in the inside, crispy on the outside)

The Carbonara and smoked salmon pasta was a disappointment though. Perhaps from an overdose of cream on the pizza, the pasta tasted over creamy and one dimensional. The smoked salmon did no credit to the dish, tasting at odds with the cream base.

In all, since this is a pizza place, just stick to the pizza to satisfy your taste buds. They're definitely worth a try (:
8/10 for the pizza
5/10 for the pasta